• The Pride of Ownership

    The Pride of Ownership

    Before joining Zawadisha, Margaret had been working as a receptionist at a local hospital. In her new job, she was able to become more involved in the business side of the operation. She always loved mathematics and finance. Now she is putting her passion – and her pride – to work. 
  • It's Not One Size Fits All

    It's Not One Size Fits All

    Zawadisha is a non-profit whose mission is to finance the livelihoods of rural Kenyan women and 100% of all proceeds from our shop benefit our microlending program. What makes our model so special? Find out here.
  • Poverty Is Sexist

    Poverty Is Sexist

    Why did our founder Jen Gurecki start our microlending program in Kenya? Well, poverty is sexist.
  • They Never Expected This

    They Never Expected This

    In July, Zawadisha did something that no one expected. We opened a retail shop in the available space adjacent to our office in Maungu. In a matter of days, the team cleaned, painted and stocked the shelves. Flyers circulated among the surrounding villages, and on the morning of the first day a line of local women waited for the doors to open.

  • Planting The Future 🌱

    Planting The Future 🌱

    Our commitment to planting trees goes beyond offsetting our environmental impact. It's about deliberate actions that will help to make women's lives better, support vibrant under-resourced communities, and help repair the damage caused by deforestation. 
  • Sometimes You Need A New Roof

    Sometimes You Need A New Roof

    Recent research has questioned the effectiveness of micro-loans for businesses, but it's also shown that when micro-loans are used for household items, such as are Zawadisha’s, the system is extremely successful. Learn more about our model and what makes it shine.